Monday, December 3, 2007

Word to the Wise

If you are my roommate's 14-year-old son, and you have had your computer taken away for misuse and poor not enter my private office area (the one you've been told to stay out of, the one with the sign that says "No"), and use my private computer to access your MySpace profile.

Alternatively, if you are said 14-year-old and you do use my personal private computer in my personal private office area to access your MySpace profile, have the good sense to log yourself out and cover your tracks.

I knew someone had been in my office over the last week or so, as my monitor was occasionally turned off at the actual switch rather than allowed to power down on its own after 10 minutes as I tend to do. I didn't think too much about it until I attempted to log on to MySpace earlier today to contact a friend whose e-mail address I had forgotten. I'm not a big fan of MySpace, but it does have its uses.

Surprising - I was apparently already logged in. More surprising - "my" mailbox was full of recently read and replied to messages from emo teenage girls in black makeup, girls whose motto space contained nuggets of wisdom like "the world sux and im wating for it to end".

It didn't take me long to surmise what had happened. And it didn't take long for my annoyance to turn to amusement.

I have now set the screensaver to return to my password-protected Welcome screen after I've walked away for longer than three minutes.

And said emo boy now listens to Celine Dion, does Reiki healing, raises miniature Poodles, and idolizes President Bush.

Game, set, match.

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