Friday, May 25, 2007

The Tell-Tale Wafer

With today's shift now over, we have a mere SIX days of school to go, which puts us in a 'clearance' mode of sorts. With the exception of products like condiment packets and some canned goods which have a long shelf life, most everything has to be gone by June 5th. On that day, whatever remains will probably be divvied up the way it was over Spring Break.

Yesterday, it was free juice pops...everyone who came through my line was entitled to a free grape juice pop, no matter what they were buying. Today the ice cream came out, to be offered as a side or as an a la carte item for purchase. Fortunately, due to an recent aggressive campaign of notes and calls home, most of the kids now have enough money on their accounts for the remainder of school year and can afford the occasional extra, so the Side Swap Pileup wasn't too bad today. But there were moments!

The Chutzpah Award today goes to a little snip of a 5th grader who came through with one side and two ice creams, only to find that he did not have enough money for an extra. So he handed me the side - a cup of Nilla Wafer pudding - and tried to take off with his two ice creams.

"Hold it," I said. "Umm. Have you been eating this?"

He stopped, then reluctantly shuffled closer to the register. "What? No."

"Well....where'd the Nilla Wafer go?" Each cup had been filled with banana pudding and garnished with a Nilla Wafer. He had handed me a cup of banana pudding, garnished with an obvious little wedge-shaped dent...and a lot of crumbs. He briefly looked at me like a deer in headlights, then recovered and gave me a noncommittal shrug.

I swear I could hear crickets chirping as I looked at him, then the pudding, and then again at him, hoping he would 'fess up and make the honest swap. But I'm guessing he took my hesitation for uncertainty, because when I finally set the pudding on his tray myself and retrieved one of the ice creams, I saw a look flash across his face that distinctly telegraphed: Dang, she didn't go for it. His pal behind him in line chuckled as he walked away defeated.

Oh yeah. Score one for the Decreasingly Gullible Noob Lunchlady.

1 comment:

Debo Blue said...

Ha! Ha! He's gonna be standing in Walmart returning half-eaten food before long.

Found you from BBC's blog. I like your site. I'll be back:-)