Saturday, June 2, 2007

When Songbirds Turn Deadly

I complain about other drivers, I do. There was no denying that fact when I commented one day on a courteous driver who did me a good turn and Duncan piped up from the back, "So, you're NOT the only person in town who knows how to drive?"

But I generally complain about drivers who are obviously bad. The ones who speed like crazy, then tailgate. The ones who feel the need to slip in and out of narrow openings in traffic, changing lanes like a hummingbird with ADD. The ones who are continuously and purposefully making dangerous driving choices. However, when someone cuts me off, makes a poorly timed turn, otherwise causes one of those sudden moments where I have to slam on the brakes - I take it in remarkable stride. Because I know that even good drivers have occasional flashes of stupidity...and I definitely include myself.

I decided to stop at a small shopping center to run an errand while on my way south to do the weekly grocery shopping. This center - 99 percent of the time I turn left to get into it, on a green arrow, then turn right to head back north to my town. Since I still had business further south of town, I turned left into the shopping center...then on my way out had to get into the left lane again...which, from this angle, had no green arrow.

The light changed to green, and in a moment of inattention and force of habit, I promptly proceeded as though I had a green arrow.

When I noticed the head-on I was about to have with an oncoming minivan, my first split-second thought was "What the hell is she doing?" As I slammed on the brakes to avoid her, my second, epiphanic thought was Oh my God, I'm a moron and I almost hurt someone.

But I didn't...and after correcting course and completing the turn, I continued down the road, face burning from embarrassment and engaging in a self-directed tirade that consisted largely of "stupid, stupid, stupid..."

So lady, if you're out there - I'm really, really sorry. I swear I'm usually a better driver. But sometimes all it takes is a moment of inattention, a flash of temporary stupidity, and I'm just glad I didn't manage to seriously ruin the day for both of us.

On a side note, it was a weird day for driving in general. Continuing on toward the grocery store, I found myself caught in a major slowdown, caused by - I am not making this up - a horse-drawn funeral procession. On a major state route, where traffic is normally going 65 miles per hour.

On the way home, I found myself at a red light beside a truck blaring very loud mariachi music. The occupants (there were five or six crammed inside) began hollering for my attention, and when I looked, most of them were pointing to their friend in the backseat with an air of "Eh? Eh? How 'bout it?" and making all sorts of gestures. "Roll down your window!!" they yelled.

"I don't think so," I mouthed back firmly and went on my way, but I couldn't hide the fact that I was smiling. Hey, it's nice to know that, sweaty and tired, wearing a ratty old hippie blouse and a do-rag, I still merit a little drive-by sexual harrassment. I don't care how offended a girl acts; she always likes the reassurance.

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